New Apex Dos and Vodka Dosing

About a month ago I gor a fancy schmancy Apex DOS stepper dosing pump.. I was previously using a Jabeo dosser however, unplugged it once i got the calcium reactor going.   I decided to get back on weekly testing and stocked up on test kit refills..


For the first time since cycling my tank I decided to test nitrates and found it was much higher than i would have liked.  I used a red sea test kit..and was way off the charts for the low range test.. I then repeated the test in the “high range” mode and it read some where beteween 16 and 32…. So i decided it was time to try Vodka Dosing!

Shortly after I dug out the fancy apex dos that was hiding in the closet waiting to be unwrapped.  I chose the apex DOS as it deliver an extremely precise dose and was perfect for vodka dosing ( i actually got it for future automatic water changes but wont be implementing that until i move the tank closer to a water source.)



I figure my tank is around 120-130G with the sump.. subtracting sand and rock i settled on 100g to make calculations easy.   I’m following the chart below as a general guide on slowly increasing my dosage

Ill update this post as i go to keep you guys updated on how it goes!

Week 1: Day 1:  29/11/2016 I started on 0.5ml/day
Week 1: Day 3:  02/12/2016 Upped my dose to 1ml/day.




Shallow Reef Aquascape

After countless hours playing  with rocks (Big kid lego?) I think i finally have a structure im happy with.  This big structes will be on the 2/3 of the tank and i will be re-using the structures out of my IM Fusion 30 for the other half.  To glue the rocks together I have been using a product called Fijicrete. I also made sure no attach no more than 2 rocks together so its still easy enough to take apart and move it around…. It would be extremely heave as one solid piece!  Let me know if you have any feedback so far.



The 6 foot Shallow Reef project

I absolutely love my fusion 30L reef, however it has quickly become packed due to my slight coral addiction…    Now i could just sell some frags but thats just not as fun.. so what to do?

Current Tank:

Well im in the process of planning a 6′ long shallow reef.  The tank will work out to 90-110 ish Gallons.  IM looking at 5.5-6′  x 18″ x 18″.      Still lots to plan and figure out but I will update this as i go and plan.

My new concept tank (so far)



The lights will hopefully be 3x Ecotech XR15 Pros. (as i already have 2 and would just need 1 more)

I’m hoping to have an L shape bar to mount it all.  Im still trying to work out the pipe size to support the weight and prevent sag. I belive 1″ aluminum bar would work..however i may need to add a little support bar at the 90 degree corner.

The overflow will be at one far end as this will be a peninsula style tank.  For now it will be against a wall but later on I may move it upstairs to replace the banister at the top of the stairs so im trying to design the tank to work in both places. (planning for the future)




The back section will be a removable U shaped black plastic or glass to hide allthe over flow and still allow easy access.



Bean style overflow

sump-v3 overflow-area

I will likely have a Mp40 on the side wall for flow (and probably an MP10 since i already have one!


For the overflow im debating between just adding one onto the tank when its built or going with the synergy.  The synergy overflow looks very sleek.. The only possible issue is the overflow is 16″ wide leaving 2″ ish inside on the edges with likely isnt enough space for the bulkhead for the return line.. I may need to but the width up to 20″ or just get an overflow made with the tank..






For the return pump im going to use one of the new Ecotech Vectra


Update:  With the bean Animal overflow you want a constant flow rate… so as lovely a vectra is I would not be able to take advantage of most of the features.. I will likely go with a Jabeo DC pump for now.


Potential Sump design (many revisions later)



On Boxing Day I ordered 80lbs of marco premium key largo rock. after many revisions of the aquascape i think i have the first structure for the most part worked out



Something amazing finally happened… My tank has arrived!!!!!!!!!!

 Take me To Part two!!!!!