New Apex Dos and Vodka Dosing

About a month ago I gor a fancy schmancy Apex DOS stepper dosing pump.. I was previously using a Jabeo dosser however, unplugged it once i got the calcium reactor going.   I decided to get back on weekly testing and stocked up on test kit refills..


For the first time since cycling my tank I decided to test nitrates and found it was much higher than i would have liked.  I used a red sea test kit..and was way off the charts for the low range test.. I then repeated the test in the “high range” mode and it read some where beteween 16 and 32…. So i decided it was time to try Vodka Dosing!

Shortly after I dug out the fancy apex dos that was hiding in the closet waiting to be unwrapped.  I chose the apex DOS as it deliver an extremely precise dose and was perfect for vodka dosing ( i actually got it for future automatic water changes but wont be implementing that until i move the tank closer to a water source.)



I figure my tank is around 120-130G with the sump.. subtracting sand and rock i settled on 100g to make calculations easy.   I’m following the chart below as a general guide on slowly increasing my dosage

Ill update this post as i go to keep you guys updated on how it goes!

Week 1: Day 1:  29/11/2016 I started on 0.5ml/day
Week 1: Day 3:  02/12/2016 Upped my dose to 1ml/day.

