Jelly Fish Nano Tank log P2: The Jellys have arrived!

After letting the tank cycle for about 5-6 week’s it was time order my Jellyfish. I had they overnight…however there was of course an issue with the shipper and they poor guys ended up taking an extra night.   I had been eagerly watching for the magic postal fairy for 2 days…..   then finally it happened.. they arrived!

The poor guys must have been frozen.. the bag water was 3-4 degrees when i opened it… i knew a very slow acclimation was key to their success…. for the next 5-6 hours the jellys sat in their shipping bag on my desk to slowly bring them up to room temperature..    Once the water was about 15C i slowly started to mix tank water into the shipping bag.. I moved a ladle full every 20-30 minutes to allow the moon jelly fish time to adjust


2 hours later they were in the tank… at first there wasn’t much moment… over the next 24h they slowly started to move and pulse as they adjusted to their new home.

Its now the morning of day 3: 2 of the jellys are happily pulsing around.  one of them had a tear in the bell which already looks to be healing up!  (these guys are amazing at repairing them selves! )   2/3 are good to go!

The last one is fully open and floating around.. i see a bit of movement in the oral arms.. but not pulsing as of yet.. hopefully soon.
Thats all for now.. check back soon for the next update.