DIY Arduino Apex aquarium controller
currently i’m working on building a wifi controllable/programmable sprinkler controller… and started thinking why not turn this into a tank controller! Once this project is done ill likely start my own version of a reef controller. I’m on the fence on using arduino or raspberryPi.. but im sure it will be one of the two..
Arduino is alot easier to interface with sensors .. and raspberryPi is easier to work with wifi/webpages to interface it.. so its a trade off. (or maybe use both?!)
Stay tuned for more awesome projects and check out the quick demo below.
Update dec 2 2015
So I found an excellent project based fully with arduino by doughboy. rather than reinventing the wheel i will be using his project as a bse to build off of.. the origional project can be found here.
I started building my arduino based controller from the same project.
So far it runs tiny web server for the web interface. Logs sensor data to an SD card
Controls an 8 channel relay board
Displays info on a LCD screen
Uses a SR04 sonar sensor for ATO water level.
Next will be adding. Temp sensor
Dec 2nd! More progress
Today I hacked a cheap auto-feeder and integrated it with the Arduino… I now have own DIY Apex feeder for only $15 🙂
I also got the temperature sensors installed and logging! wooo 🙂